Commitment 1
Campus-wide commitment to easy to implement strategies meant to enhance the visibility of West Valley College campus professionals and their work.
Commitment 2
Enhance employee visibility: Daily use of virtual or physical campus insignia to identify yourself as a campus employee available to student needs or questions (name tags, etc.).
Commitment 3
Standardize access to campus wide FAQs: Standardization and maintenance of campus-wide student FAQs for all departments.
Commitment 4
Campus-wide Welcome Center: Employ a campus wide warm referral program (Caring Campus Points) to encourage teamwork, trust and follow through between colleagues to enhance the student experience.
Commitment 1
Learn and regularly use students' names.
Commitment 2
Clearly communicate about the course.
Commitment 3
Create moments that matter.
Commitment 4
Assign and assess early and often.
Commitment 5
Practice situational fairness.
Vida Sabouri
Anthony Bridges
Yalem Lakew
Ana Lobato
Andrew Louie
Sonia Nevarez
Tania Pichardo
Tanya Southworth
Susie Tong
Chris Cruz
Nicole Cuttler
Laurie Dotson
Doug Epperson
Mitra Fabian
Meg Farrell
Michelle Francis
Ron Guzman
Faraneh Javanmardian
Hashem Kardevani
Molly Schrey
Michelle Zajac
- Commit to at least 1 of the Behavioral Commitment to do in fall
- Pick 1 Behavioral Commitment that you want to work on in fall 2022
- Join a Community of Practice
Keep your profile page up-to-date by completing a simple form.
Give a shout-out of appreciation for someone at West Valley College who has been especially helpful or supportive this semester!

Campus-wide commitment made by all employees to help students feel welcome and connected to the college by following three easy steps.
Greet and Smile
- Wear a name tag
- Offer help before being asked
- If needed, work to understand or clarify a next step
Warm Referral
- Walk them to their next stop
- Call ahead to confirm warm hand off
- Campus referral form
Emphasize Access
- Campus Experience Calendar
- Schedule of Classes
- Division giveaway
- Campus map or referral form