Black Snow

Black and white silhouette of human with play details

See Black Snow Photo Gallery

Modern / Contemporary

Story by Mikhail Bulgkov, adapted by Keith Reddin

Directed by Robin Aronson

Dates: November 18, 19, 25, 26 at 7:30 PM and November 20 & 27 at 2:00 PM

Suggested Donation: $10 – $15

Keith Reddin's Black Snow is based on Russian novelist Mikhail Bulgakov’s novel, "A Dead Man’s Memoir", in which Bulgakov fictionalized and satirized his own outlandish experience as playwright for the famous Moscow Art Theatre in the 1930s, working with legendary theatre director Constantin Stanislavsky, during a time of soul crushing censorship. Buffeted between bossy autocrats, corrupt government officials, ruthless critics and eccentric theatre artists, the play’s playwright struggles to defend his artistic integrity against a barrage of adversaries and the urge to self-destruct.

Jack Rogers Sergei, lives the story
Eric Scoles Sergei, narrates the story
Isaac Lopez Rudolf, Man from Irkutsk, Sophocles, Romanus
Matthew Hunt Friend, Yegor, Petukhov, Old Man with Bucket, Bakhtin, Announcer, Adalbert
Helen Beyer Friend, Waiter, Eulampia Petrovna, Tour Guide, Andrei
Justine Kirkland Friend, Ilchin, Ticket Buyer, Old Woman, Mother, Assistant Director
Natalie Pineda Karenina, Eloise, Ivan’s Friend, Announcer, Anya
Luke Towers Young Man, Gavril, Moliere, Patrikeyev
Megan Sweet Bondarevskaya, Strizh, Shakespeare
Emilio Perez Baklazhanov, Bombardov
Antonella Doblanovic Konkin, Friend, Ticket Buyer, Nurse, Waiter, Actor
Aaliyah McGraw Phillippa Phillippovna, Anna, Ludmilla Pryakhina
Celest Pineda Old Woman, The Critic, Ticket Buyer, Announcer, Olga
Summer Gleason Likospastova, Assistant, Bakvalin, Props Person
Bella Pappas Irinia, Toropetskaya, Nastasya Ivanovna, Vladychinskaya
Jack Callahan Ancient Man, Ivan Vasilievich
Director Robin Aronson
Set Designer Amy Zsadanyi-Yale
Costume Designer Lorrie McPheeters
Lighting & Sound Designer Carol Fischer
Stage Manager Ava Ferreira
Technical Director Andrew Lidwell
Assistant Stage Manager Chiana Niedbalec
Properties Designer & Construction Caroline Spencer
Costume Shop Supervisor Lorrie McPheeters
Light Board Operator A.K. Hoehler
Sound Board Operator Mason Mateus
Backstage Wardrobe Assistant Crista Mosley
Backstage Crew Zack Spycher, Olivia Downey, Tyler R. David
Poster Design Alayna Cramer
Headshot & Production Photography Carla Dano-Arango
Work Study Assistant/ Box Office Zoe Oberst

Mason Mateus, Christa Mosley, Daniel Smith, Jake Ulicki, Jonathan San Juan, Justin Van Dyke, Brandon Corbett, Matthew Hunt, Ann-Kathrin Hoehler

Summer Gleason, Nina Maloney, Helen Beyer, Matthew Hunt, Jonathan San Juan


Helen Beyer

Jack Callahan

Antonella Doblanovic

Summer Gleason

Mathew Hunt

Justine Kirkland

Isaac Lopez

Aaliyah McGraw

Bella Pappas

Emilio Perez

Celest Pineda

Natalie Pineda

Jack Rogers

Eric Scoles

Megan Sweet

Luke Towers

Last Updated 1/20/23