The WVC Community Grant and Viking Promise provide 2024 high school graduates two years of free tuition and fees, plus additional funds that can be used for textbooks, transportation, or other expenses.
Scroll down to review the full list of eligibility requirements that must be completed, including attending an orientation, submitting a FAFSA/Dream Act Application (with West Valley College in the list of colleges), meeting with a counselor and enrolling in 12 units.
NOTE: Funding is limited and is awarded based on who completes the requirements first! Don’t delay as we will be awarding winners starting in April at the first EA Orientation.
You do not need to apply for the Community Grant. All 2024 grads will automatically be considered for this funding!
Grant | Amount | Purpose |
Community Grant (First Year) | Up to $1,000 per semester* | For tuition, textbooks, and transportation |
Viking Promise (Second Year) | Up to $1,000 per semester* | For tuition, textbooks, and transportation Successful Community Grant recipients are eligible. |
*Amount may vary depending on state funding.
- Class of 2024 high school graduate from a California high school or equivalent
- California Resident/ AB 540
- Complete the CCC Apply and West Valley College Application.
- Complete a 2024-2025 FAFSA or CA Dream Act.
- This program has no income requirement, but all students must submit a financial aid application.
- Complete the Guided Self-Placement.
- Complete the West Valley Welcome Pre-Orientation (opens mid-April).
- Register for and attend one of the following Orientations:
- Early Admissions (EA Orientation)
- Athletics Orientation
- DESP On-to-College Orientation (for students with an IEP or 504)
- COUN 000A, COUNS 005, COUNS 12
- Meet with a counselor to create an Educational Plan. (NOTE: This automatically happens during the Orientation process. You do not need to setup a special meeting with a counselor.)
- Maintain a minimum of 12 West Valley units each semester (or 9 units if participating in the DESP program and submitted an "Eligible for Unit Reduction" form).
- This grant does not cover Mission college courses.
- Maintain a GPA of 2.0+ each semester.

The WVC Community Grant and Viking Promise provide 2023 high school graduates two years of free tuition and fees, plus additional funds that can be used for textbooks, transportation, or other expenses.
Scroll down to review the full list of eligibility requirements that must be completed, including attending an orientation, submitting a FAFSA/Dream Act Application (with West Valley College in the list of colleges), meeting with a counselor and enrolling in 12 units.
You do not need to apply for the Community Grant. All 2023 grads will automatically be considered for this funding!
Grant | Amount | Purpose |
Community Grant (First Year) | $1,500 per semester* | For tuition, textbooks, and transportation |
Viking Promise (Second Year) | $1,000 per semester* | For tuition, textbooks, and transportation Successful Community Grant recipients are eligible. |
*Amount may vary depending on state funding.
Community Grant recipients must be 2023 high school graduates from a California public, private, home school program, or equivalent.
- Complete the CCC Apply and West Valley College Application
- Complete the Guided Self-Placement or "My Placements" via the Student Portal
- Complete the FAFSA or Dream Act Application
- Include West Valley College in the list of colleges
- Register for and attend one of the following Orientations:
- Complete the online West Valley Welcome Pre-Orientation AND Welcome Onboarding Workshop (WOW)
- COUN 000A, COUNS 005, COUNS 12, or LRSV 001
- DESP On-to-College Orientation
- Early Admissions (Now closed)
- Athletics Orientation (Now closed)
- Meet with a counselor to create an Educational Plan
- Maintain a minimum of 12 West Valley units during the semester
Current Recipients
For students who did not meet eligibility requirements or have a special circumstance beyond their control.
Requirements and Steps
No. Only the following:
To create an Education Plan, you will need to meet online with a West Valley counselor to create a plan for your coursework. An Abbreviated or Comprehensive Education Plan are acceptable.
Eligibility Requirements
No. You must be enrolled full-time with West Valley College units to be eligible.
No. Community Grant does not apply for Summer or Winter courses. If students enroll in Summer or Winter courses, they are responsible to pay for those courses.
Awarding and Status Updates
WVC Community Grant award notification will be sent to your West Valley College student email the week after Convocation, Friday, August 20, when all the steps have been completed.
The Community Grant allotment will first pay off your student balance (enrollment and fees), and if there are remaining funds available, they will be refunded to you via your refund preference choice.
No, students who applied to the Community Grant do not need to pay for their Fall tuition and fees at this time. Community Grant applicants will not be dropped from Fall classes for non-payment while we review completion of all the completed requirements.
All Community Grant applicants are temporarily exempt from the drop for non-payment deadline. You will not be dropped from courses. Make sure you have completed a Community Grant online application to ensure you are temporarily exempt.
If you have already paid for classes and are awarded the Community Grant, you will receive the full disbursement to reimburse yourself for out-of-pocket payment.
** A refund after Sunday, September 11. Dependent on Convocation requirement.
Can I get a status update on my Community Grant application (what’s complete, what’s missing, etc.)?
A status update will be emailed to all Community Grant applicants on the week of August 23rd with preliminary information.
Due to the high volume of inquiries and applications, we are unable to provide status updates at this moment.
Yes, but the class must be successfully completed in order to be paid for the spring semester.
- Funding is limited; all grants are on a first come, first served basis.
- All students must declare a major or eligible program at West Valley College.
- Students eligible for Enrollment Fee Grant, are eligible up to $400.
- Students in DESP can submit a Unit Reduction Sheet to enroll in 9 units and remain eligible for the grants. Contact a DESP Counselor for details.
- DESP students enrolled in 9 units eligible with Enrollment Fee Grant, are eligible up to $550.
- All Community Grant, First Year & Second Year Viking recipients must successfully complete 12 WVC units each semester.
- Eligibility for Spring 2025 awarding will be based on successful completion of Fall 2024 grades, maintaining a GPA of 2.0 or higher, and maintaining full-time enrollment at WVC.
- Units from other colleges cannot be combined with West Valley units to meet eligibility. This includes Mission College. All 12 units must be completed at West Valley.
- The Community Grant, First Year Viking and Second Year Viking Program will not pay Winter or Summer fees. Students are responsible to pay the balance for all courses enrolled in Winter and Summer sessions.
- Community Grant and First Year Viking recipients will be invited to join a "Community Huddle" counseling workshop to support them in their transition. Students will receive details and invitation via email.
- We understand there may be unforeseen circumstances beyond students' control that may have caused them to lose their grant eligibility. We have created an Appeals Process for students to share their circumstances with the Community Grant & Viking Program Appeals Committee. Students may have the opportunity to submit an Appeal at the beginning of Fall 2024, once we open that year's awarding cycle. Please refer to the Current Students tab to view the form and updates on the Appeal Process.